related to Getting to Plan B
Video: 'Are Business Plans
a Work of Fiction?,' Randy speaks as part of
Stanford University's Entrepreneurship Corner
(excerpt) Video: 'The Benefits of
Mapping Plan A,' Randy speaks as part of Stanford
University's Entrepreneurship Corner (excerpt) Video: 'Analogs and
Antilogs: Nothing is "Revolutionary",' Randy speaks
as part of Stanford University's Entrepreneurship
Corner (excerpt) Video: 'Identifying Leaps
of Faith,' Randy speaks as part of Stanford
University's Entrepreneurship Corner (excerpt) Podcast: Randy speaks
about 'Getting to Plan B' as part of Stanford
University's Entrepreneurship Corner Video: Plan 'B' is new
plan 'A,' Interview with Fortune Magazine's Michael
Copeland for CNN Money Podcast: Innovation of the
Week, Interview with BusinessWeek's Helen Walters Video: The Silicon Valley
Entrepreneur Podcast: Dresser After
Dark Radio Interview with Guest Randy Komisar Video: A Venture
Capitalist Innovation Process Podcast: One Venture
Capitalist's Perspective on Social Innovation Video: Optimizing Career
and Life Opportunities Video: Leadership and
Change Management |